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App stores + Runway: a more intuitive and automated way to deploy

Context-switching in and out of App Store Connect and Play Console costs your team time and unnecessary headache. Runway abstracts away the hidden (and not-so-hidden) pain by automating routine tasks and pulling key steps out into a unified dashboard, alongside the rest of your stack.

For routine releases, don’t set foot in App Store Connect or Play Console

Apple and Google’s dev portals aren’t the most streamlined of tools, and having to context-switch into them throughout releases is an added drain on the team. With Runway, you can manage everything you need to do in App Store Connect or Play Console – either manually, or automated – all in one place, and with helpful guardrails and rich context presented alongside.
Illustration of the Runway window superimposed over Apple and Android logos

Runway helps you secure your app store accounts

Teams take on unnecessary risk when they provision dev portal access for everyone on the team, especially on the Apple side with the lack of granular scoping. With Runway’s access controls, individuals on your team can be given the ability to do exactly what they need to do when it comes to the app stores, all within Runway and without over-provisioned direct access.

“I've spent so much time in the app stores managing beta testing and releases in the past, and now <highlight>Runway does all my grunt work<highlight> 😍.”

Product Manager
Perry Street Software

An easier way to manage betas

Making the most of TestFlight and Google Play’s testing tracks requires lots of recurring manual work, like assigning new builds to the same groups of users or tracks all the time and submitting external testing builds for review on the Apple side. Runway’s automations make running betas in TestFlight or Play hands-free: let us send new builds to the right users and tracks, and submit builds for review where necessary.

‘What’s New’ without copy-pasting, and without a game of telephone

You’re wasting way more time than you might realize on your release notes, constantly copy-pasting the same text across versions and cat-herding copywriters, PMs, and engineers just to get things updated. Runway gives you this time back by automatically applying your default text release to release, and by cutting down long roundtrips with direct, scoped access for those actually responsible for updating copy.

App stores + Runway integration highlights

Integration is easy and secure

Runway’s docs help walk you through setup on the app store side. And once you’re integrated, granular scoping in Runway ensures only those team members you want touching Apple and Google internals can do so.

The end of cross-platform chores and context-switching

Your team is wasting hours context-switching between Apple and Google worlds week in week out. Runway gives you that time back by bringing everything into one place and abstracting away platform specifics, from beta distribution to release and everything in between.

More context for your rollouts

What you see in App Store Connect and Play Console is never the full picture. By integrating across your stack and presenting key signals from each tool, Runway allows you to execute rollouts more confidently.

Release better with Runway.

Runway integrates with all the tools you’re already using to level-up your release coordination and automation, from kickoff to release to rollout. No more cat-herding, spreadsheets, or steady drip of manual busywork.