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An unofficial App Store Connect status page

Real time status & alerting on outages and flakiness via the App Store Connect API

Real time status & alerting on outages and flakiness via the App Store Connect API


How does this App Store Connect status page actually report on outages and flakiness?

This page is powered by millions of real requests made from the Runway platform to the App Store Connect API each day. At any given time, we monitor the ratio of recent error responses to successful requests and if that ratio exceeds certain thresholds we’ll update the page with a degraded or down status. In addition to monitoring aggregated health across the entire set of endpoints that Runway’s App Store Connect integration interacts with, we also look at error rates per endpoint and can alert even if only specific parts of the platform are affected.


Will this page tell me if the App Store Connect website is down? Or just the App Store Connect API?

Technically, this page reports status for the App Store Connect API specifically, since the data behind all of this is coming from calls to the API. However, the health of the API is often a good proxy for overall App Store Connect health – typically if an outage affects one, it’s also affecting the other. Of course there are exceptions – the App Store Connect website may be down but the API functioning perfectly, or (much less likely) vice versa.


Will this page alert me when my fastlane scripts are breaking?

Quite likely! More and more fastlane actions now leverage the App Store Connect API under the hood, so outages reported on this page are very likely to map directly to downtime and flakiness in your fastlane scripts. And even if you still use certain fastlane actions that don’t interact with the App Store Connect API, general ASC downtime is likely to be reflected on this page all the same, as described above.


Why this page, when there’s an official Apple System Status page with info on App Store Connect downtime?

Although there is an official System Status page that shows whether App Store Connect is up or not, it’s not always the most helpful resource. In practice, mobile teams often hear about ASC downtime from other mobile teams, with folks sharing issues in developer communities and forums as soon as they start experiencing them – and often long before Apple updates their status page (if ever). This page aims to replicate that sort of crowdsourced, real time feedback at scale for a quicker and more accurate picture of App Store Connect health. Also, the official Apple status page only reports on aggregate health; this page will indicate if specific functions are down or degraded, even as Apple continues showing ‘green’ at high level.


My team is experiencing App Store Connect issues, but everything looks healthy on this page. What’s going on?

There are a few possible reasons why this page might not be surfacing issues your team is experiencing. Since we pull data for a certain subset of App Store Connect API endpoints that the Runway platform leverages, it could be that the issues you’re experiencing affect only a specific part of App Store Connect and one that we don’t interact with. Also, certain endpoints we do interact with but at lower volumes, meaning monitoring accurately over short time intervals is more difficult. Finally, remember that there’s a possibility the App Store Connect website is down or degraded but the API is functioning normally, and it’s the latter that this page monitors.


Is there some way for my team to track these App Store Connect status updates automatically? With an RSS feed, say?

We’re glad you asked! There is indeed an RSS feed you can subscribe to:


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