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App Home and more

App Home

We built App Home as a quick overview of the most important releases for your app. 

  • Live release: At the top, you’ll see a summary of the release that’s currently live on the app store. Some details here include the date it was released, how long your release cycle took, and your current App Store rating.

Screenshot showing live release information in Runway

  • Next release: Here, you’ll see how close you are to being feature complete, a timeline of important events that have happened so far for that release, and key dates.

Screenshot showing information about the next release in Runway

  • Upcoming release: These are releases that are planned for the future, and will show the release description, the pilot slated for the release and key dates like the target kickoff.

Screenshot showing an upcoming release in Runway

Working branch Feature Readiness

We’ve heard that sometimes it’s useful to track progress towards a release before it’s actually been kicked off. So, we’ve added the ability to switch your base branch in feature readiness, so you can view progress towards the release relative to your main development branch. Just be sure to set a working branch in your App Settings if you haven’t already.

Animation showing toggling different base branches for the Feature Readiness view in Runway

Ignore button on Feature Readiness

Sometimes you don’t want a piece of work to be counted towards the release, but still want to get to feature complete on Runway. We added the option to ignore an item of work so it won’t be considered in determining Feature Readiness. You can always bring back that item by clicking “Include”.

Animation showing Ignoring and then Including an item in Feature Readiness in Runway