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A new home for release monitoring, Slack slash commands, and richer event timelines

A dedicated monitoring overview for more confident rollouts

It can be tricky, and time-consuming, to bounce between browser tabs and keep track of important markers of release health as you run your rollouts. Runway already pulls in a lot of the important signals, and now we’re giving them a real home! With the new Monitoring section in each release, we’re consolidating stability monitoring, user reviews, phased release status and, soon, product analytics – giving you one place to go to keep tabs on the health of rollouts.

Slack slash commands: an even easier way for your team to chip in

We know that different team members collaborate on releases in different ways, and sometimes folks need to weigh in more efficiently. That’s why we’re introducing Runway slash commands in Slack. Your team can now do things like update the status of regression testing, mark a checklist item as completed, or update an Approvals item, just-in-time and all without leaving Slack. To see a list of available commands, just type `/runway help`. And, if there are other Runway actions you’d like us to add, let us know!

Understand exactly what’s happening, and when, with richer event timelines

With so many moving pieces, it can be hard to keep track of everything that’s happening during release cycles – and even harder to make sense of things after the fact, if you need to retro or audit a release. To help your team understand exactly what is changing during releases, across all your tools and contributors, we’ve revamped event timelines in Runway. At release level, and also within individual steps, you now get a more complete and detailed picture of every single change and status update – plus, key upcoming lifecycle events and deadlines.   

New automation: backmerge changes from the release branch

For teams that apply late-arriving fixes to release branches, merging those changes back into your working branch (not to mention any other in-flight release branches) is an annoying manual process that wastes your time week-in, week-out. Now, Runway can automate all backmerges for you!