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The Runway REST API, webhooks, and new automations ✨

The Runway REST API

You can now leverage Runway’s powerful functionality in concert with your team’s own internal tooling with the new Runway REST API. Using the API, you can create and update releases in Runway, update the status of checklist items, and more. To get started, create an API key from your organization’s settings page, then head to our API reference docs to learn more about the types of endpoints available. 

Missing something your team needs? Let us know! We’ll be expanding the functionality of the API based on feedback.

(Available on the Runway Pro plan and above)

Outgoing webhooks

In the other direction, if you need Runway to call out to your stack when certain changes happen during release cycles, this can now be accomplished using outgoing webhooks. You can hook into events like release kickoff or rollout, release pilot changes, and checklist item status updates (plus many more!) to further customize your release workflow in response to changes happening within Runway and across your tools.

To get started using webhooks, add a new endpoint in the Webhooks section of your organization’s settings. You can choose which event types to subscribe to, as well as the specific apps you’re interested in receiving events for.

To see the full list of event types supported, and to explore the structure of the webhook payloads, check out our webhooks reference docs.

(Available on the Runway Pro plan and above)

New automations

Automatically carry over beta tester notes

We often hear that teams care about putting together beta tester notes for each release, but they waste time having to manually copy-paste the notes every time a new beta build lands.Now, Runway can automatically carry over your “What to Test” or “Release notes” from a previous beta build to the next ones.

Automatically apply default review attachment files

If your team is one of the ones that always has to provide review attachments when you submit your iOS updates, you no longer need to waste time manually uploading those each and every release. Save your usual review attachment in Runway just once, and we’ll handle the rest automatically going forward.