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Product Updates

Bump version

‍We know that bumping your version in code is a manual “to-do” for many teams, and it can be an annoying and error-prone task. So, we made it as simple as the click of a button in the Kickoff step. Runway will automatically increment the version in the right files, and open a PR with the changes against your working branch. 

Animation showing version bumping from Runway



Verifying that screenshots are up-to-date previously meant navigating away into App Store Connect or the Play Console before coming back to Runway to approve the step. Now, Runway automatically pulls in your screenshots on both the iOS and Android sides, so you can make sure everything looks good to go right from within Runway.

Animation showing exploration of the Screenshots step in Runway


Build artifacts

‍Artifacts produced during the CI/CD build process, like crash symbols or even binaries, are now available within Runway’s workflow modules.

Screenshot showing a list of artifacts within the build info module in Runway

Additionally, Runway now appends links to build artifacts in select build-related Slack notifications, giving your whole team an easy and quick way to grab RC builds as they become available.

Screenshot of a Slack notification showing build information, including a link to 'view & download' build artifacts

Lastly, Runway will include final build artifacts as part of your GitHub or GitLab release records, ensuring your team can always access historical artifacts over time.

A screenshot showing a list of build artifacts attached by Runway as assets on a GitHub release record.

Note that build artifacts are currently supported for GitHub Actions and Bitrise. Support for CircleCI, GitLab CI, and Jenkins will follow soon!

More automation

‍From automatically selecting your latest build in App Store Connect / Play Console, to queuing up your next release version, Runway is now doing even more to streamline your process and take over manual tasks. You can see a complete list of automations enabled for your app at the bottom of App Settings.

Screenshot showing a list of automations enabled in Runway

Run workflows

‍Trigger a new workflow run from anywhere the workflow module appears in Runway, without needing to bounce out to your CI/CD provider.

Animation showing a 'Run workflow' being clicked to trigger a new workflow run in Runway

Promote code to your release branch

‍For teams who deploy from a static release branch (e.g. “production”), you can now promote code from your working branch to your release branch with the click of a button. Runway opens the PR for you, and will merge it in automatically when possible. 

Animation showing code being promoted from Runway, and seeing the GitHub result

A new home for checklist items

‍We’ve improved discoverability and access to checklist items by giving them their own tab on each step. 

Animation showing the new location of checklist items, in a tab

Edit your App Store release settings

‍Set or update the version release settings of your iOS update from the Submission step. You can continue to edit these settings up until your update is approved by Apple.

Animation showing editing App Store release settings in Runway

Control your phased rollouts

‍Update the fraction of users your Android update is rolled out to. You can also pause, resume, or complete a phased rollout for both iOS and Android directly from the Release step.

Screenshot showing changing rollout percentage in Runway

Release your approved iOS update through Runway

‍If your iOS update needs to be manually released, you can now do that directly from the Release step.

Screenshot of a button to 'Release 3.72.0 update being clicked in Runway

Feature Readiness item info tooltips

‍Hover over the info icon on any item in the Feature Readiness step to find out exactly why that item was pulled into this release.

Screenshot of a informational tooltip being shown over an item in Feature Readiness in Runway

Improved Release Candidate workflow module

‍We redesigned the Release Candidate step to include more details about the CI workflow which generates your Release Candidate build; like the commit it was run on, and its associated branch.

Screenshot showing a detailed information module about a Release Candidate build in Runway

Automatic Jira fix versions and labels

Any time we detect code on your release branch, and that code is linked to a Jira ticket, we check that the ticket has the correct fix version and/or label applied to it.

For example, here’s a PR (#28) that was merged into the release branch (release-0.0.2). It references ticket RA-11, but that ticket is missing a fix version and label for 0.0.2.


PR example from Feature Readiness


Screenshot from Jira showing a missing label and Fix version

Runway will now automatically add the correct fix versions and/or labels to tickets, as specified in your app settings. In the example above, we specified both a label and fix version in Runway settings, so both were automatically added  🎉


Screenshot from Jira showing a label and Fix version added by Runway

Improved checklist items

‍We’ve added markdown support, owner roles, and an improved UI. 


Animation showing improved checklist item feature in Runway

Select build/APK on Runway

‍Choose which build to submit from a list of most recent builds, and update your selection in App Store Connect/Google Play directly on Runway.

Screenshot showing a list interface to choose a build to submit in Runway

Submit your app through Runway

‍Submit your app for review on App Store Connect or the Play Console, all without leaving Runway.

Animation showing clicking a Submit Build button in Runway

Update your Phased Release or Staged Rollout percent

‍Are you making use of phased releases? Update your phased release state (iOS) or increment your rollout percentage (Android) through Runway.

Screenshot showing options to Halt rollout, Edit staged rollout, or Release to 100% now in Runway

The last few weeks have been exciting ones for the Runway team – we participated in Y Combinator’s Demo Day and closed our seed round of funding 🎉 You all played a part in us reaching this milestone, so a heartfelt “thank you” from our team to yours!